
Showing posts from September, 2019
🎻 Pain of departure is endless         It’s like i am breathless         My love for you make me jealous        you are with some one else         it’s become faith less        You cheated me It’s remind         Can’t sleep I am restless         Memories killing me I am helpless        You drop me like I am worthless πŸπŸ‚ 🎻from d pages of my dreamπŸπŸ‚
πŸŽ»πŸπŸ‚ 🎻 I hate the day most       I feel the pain like I am dead almost     I hate the date     Because it’s realised me my fate    I hate that talk   It’s like I was fool just waiting for moke   I hate to expressed myself   What I get it’s put me on death    I never want to see that day again    I never want to feel that pain again    Its so hurting    never want to be drain again   It was the 13th February  Realised me I am too ordinary  Not meant for any one I have to be sorry   I hate my self to love some one   Who can’t marry  I hate the day most it was valentine day   Its realise me I were on game play   I hate that date It’s realised me we are not soul mate  πŸπŸ‚
🎻 How we can be in harmony in adverse situation πŸπŸ‚ πŸŽ»πŸπŸ‚ How we perform towards the other it’s all decided by us it’s based on our aura how we show ourself towards the outworld it may be fake it may be true but it’s all impact on our inner energy , how we feel and what we are showing by this we attract the people of same frequency and energy so beware what you are giving to universe because you get what you are throwing towards the universe,if you are negative you attract the negative people in your life so your inner energy should be in balance  First I believe that our, aura should be positive , aura means your internal whole energy . Our body is made up of 7chakras that is 1-root chakra, 2-sacral chakra , 3-solar plexus chakra, 4-third eye chakra, 5-crown chakra ,6- heart chakra,7-throat chakra they are situated in head to spine , crown chakra is the most powerful chakra and all chakras have different functioning in our body ,  actually we knowingly or unkn
🎻from d pages of my dreamπŸπŸ‚ 🎻 Pain of departure is endless      It’s like i am breathless      My love for you make me jealous     you are with some one else      it’s become faith less     You cheated me It’s remind      Can’t sleep I am restless      Memories killing me I am helpless     You drop me like I am worthless πŸπŸ‚
🎻ADDICTIONπŸπŸ‚  I daily want to see your good morning message       Why you can’t understood my silence  Can’t sleep without talking daily waiting for your    message      No one can come in this heart no one will manage  How can I describe my damage The pain you caused you never judge  I cant forget you ,This is the only grudge I missing you so much My soul know you will never come how can I deal    with mind how I carry this baggage  Still I missing you so much 🎻from the pages of my dreamπŸπŸ‚
🎻 what if we loss some one πŸπŸ‚ Some one is happy because they find some one  Some one is sad because they lost some one  They    will be with us all life the stability is none Don’t share your feeling  There is all around us just to making fun  So never believe in every one  Don’t think you alone don’t think what you get in return  Life always take a turn  Some one is in dark zone  Some is in happy mood Some one Is all alone  Some find the reason to blown Every one is in their own journey all is working for unknown Thier is something hidden all want to known But this is the life every body is evaluating on  Just be patient and move on 🎻 from d pages of my dream πŸπŸ‚
πŸŽ»πŸπŸ‚ 🎻 Why you left me dead   It’s like you already in mind set              I remember all things how you can forget     I still missing you , you are the only in my head  If your love is for some one else why you couldn’t said I will never forgive you,you treat me like I am shed πŸπŸ‚  🎻from d pages of my dreamπŸπŸ‚
🎻prepare yourself for failure not only for successπŸπŸ‚ 🎻Before going for any challenge in your life be prepare yourself first for the out come either it’s positive or negative is it really important ??  Think about it as much as you can if your are in anxiety and anticipating it’s good but don’t make it overpowering you,don’t make your emotions overpower your intelligence .  What ,if you will be failure , think about it as much as you can ,do not only prepare your mind for success  only ,failure means another chance to do something more better it’s ok to be failure but because you have anticipating falurity you can’t step back before  participating .  if you get success celebrate it warmly but if you become failure accept it with gratitude . It’s so easy to say but so hard to accept so just prepare your mind to do the best you can do and rest leave on destiny failure and success what it will be ,you have to accept it like it’s own 😊. I know if you will be fail
πŸŽ»πŸ§ΈπŸπŸ‚ πŸŽ»πŸπŸ‚
🎻FANTASYπŸπŸ‚ πŸŽ»πŸπŸ‚
🎻BROKENπŸπŸ‚ πŸŽ»πŸπŸ‚
🎻I MISS YOUπŸπŸ‚ πŸŽ»πŸπŸ‚
🎻LONELYπŸπŸ‚ πŸŽ»πŸπŸ‚
🎻SeprationπŸπŸ‚ πŸŽ»πŸπŸ‚
🎻why I feel for youπŸπŸ‚ πŸŽ»πŸπŸ‚
🎻RejuvenationπŸπŸ‚ πŸŽ»πŸπŸ‚
🎻The illusionistπŸπŸ‚ πŸŽ»πŸπŸ‚
🎻 Negative emotions and how to Release negativity πŸπŸ‚ πŸŽ»πŸπŸ‚ If u want to flowerish any dream keep it in your soul and think daily about it but if you have negative emotions or unfulfilled desire which never be gonna fulfill don’t think about it, its like we give them water to be plant if you really want to get out or let go from that things , emotions or situation just share it with others . when we keep something in ,it grows and grows but when we discuss or share it ,their energy spread and chances of fulfilment become less . if u really want to fulfill that dream keep it in hide and if you want to come out with this dream because some time our dream also become the reason for pain then just share it or write it on blank paper on full moon and fire that paper and crush it and spread it in universe . full moon because during full moon and half moon person become more depressed if they going through any bad situation their energy on boom this time ,because of m
🎻 A part of me will always be missing you πŸπŸ‚ πŸŽ»πŸπŸ‚ I missing you like a dead  Can’t do any thing like I am mermaid  Not able to stop thinking about you  Trying to forget all the memories I have from you My love for you Is immortal But you treat me like formal wanna hold back my emotions that I have for you But I still missing you  Can’t tolerate this pain any more its like you are in my every pore  No words can tell  It’s like hell Feeling is so much Missing    is so high Still i said good bye    🎻 from d pages of my dream πŸπŸ‚
🎻from d pages of my dreamπŸπŸ‚ Full moon in Pisces :the harvest moon  On 14th sept 2019 The full moon in Pisces it  is the powerful full moon, major energy shifting because it’s happening in the earth sign Virgo .  Pisces is the last zodiac so there is certain things come on closure it’s like let go the things no longer serve you and let the universe give you what you need . Pisces is the watery sign means very emotional so all the emotions come on surface but for let go towards the reality or practicality because of sign Virgo and believe to be on earthy things no dreamy and fantacy world . •It is the time of emotions to be on high but to give you better understanding to clear all the cloud . •Great time for personal and spiritual growth  •Cut out the necessary distraction  •Time to deal with emotionally baggage so you can move freeely . •Time to focus on things which give you reality no dreamy sense . •time to work on your responsibilitie
                            πŸŽ»πŸπŸ‚ What I felt you never    know The pain you caused you never go You broke my trust  Shattered my world  And I thought I am not good enough. You broke my confidence  Leave nothing for defence  Broke all my dignity  Took all my love  I thought it’s all my fault . You make me insane  give me pain and leave me in grief lane . You make me wrong Took all my song  Broke all my joy  Play me like a toy . You going for cheat Realised me don’t have room in your heart for beat . And I thought why we meet. 🎻 from d pages of my dream πŸπŸ‚
🎻 Transformation  πŸ¦‹ and Vedic astrology : eighth house in horoscope: house of death and rebirth: house of occult things πŸπŸ‚ πŸŽ»πŸπŸ‚ Be acceptive for transformation it’s the sign from universe that you have to change your self for something better which you are not accepting yet but in near future you will recognise why it’s needed don’t try to push your self against the transformation ,believe in flowing energy leave yourself for transformed energy don’t look back if you resist yourself for transformation it will lead you towards the pain .... Transformation is the sign of death and rebirth Eighth house in horoscope is Death (Scorpio in Vedic astrology )and rebirth house it is the house of hidden and occult knowledge ,if transformation is going means something hidden to be come on surface . life and rebirth is the process of universe So life cycle can move we can’t resist it we go through so many cycles in this one life time to prepare our self for bettermen