🎻If someone did a wrong deeds and close their eyes like a pigeon that nobody is watching them it’s their big mistake 
You are not the god not a magician who can hide yourself with blunt truth 
Always remember there is so many things you left behind to caught you and your real image so don’t try to hide or manipulate the things which you never feel ,hiding is cowardness be transparent only timid hide their true self
Learned to accept the faults you have done ,by being manipulative you can hide yourself in public but you know the truth .your soul always remind you about your wrong deeds so by being master piece you can hide yourself with the person but not with yourself ,.
may be by giving hurt you are doing your karma finish for this life time but with together you also gathering your karma for your next life so being a liar think 100 times what you going to do is not only be upto you , your action your manipulation your cheating your words can hurt someone whole life and by hurting them you will creating the karma for your next life ,you can’t get out with this cycle until you don’t learned the lesson until you don’t leave your fake side you are the liar accept it and move on from the situation don’t try to make yourself right which you never be .don’t show yourself ,your fake side , you already done what you have to ,then why you showing which you never meant to ,because the real image is not hidden now ,be brave to accept your fault so you can be free from this cycle of karma.πŸπŸ‚

🎻from d pages of my dreamπŸπŸ‚


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