
Showing posts from March, 2020
As I already mention  Rahu move from aardra nakshtra to mrigsara on 22 April 2020 Aardra is the Rudra avatar of shiva when shiva get poison in their neck  Mrigsara is sum is Amrit  4 is the no of rahu and in China 4 is considered as an unlucky number it’s denote as death  4+4=8 planet of karma that is Saturn  22 April = 8 4+4 double the energy ( only use poison to kill the poison )I am not bias but only homeopathy act on this principle similia similibus curentur, 8 is the no of Saturn and Saturn is the karka of Indian medicine so only Indian medicine ayurved, homoeopathy,yoga,naturopathy and all Indian pathy will be useful. 22/04/2020=03 no of Jupite r as I already said in my blog ,to get relief from rahu we have to work on ketu and ketu only believe on Jupiter so only ketu Jupiter and Saturn will remove the impact of rahu . We all get better after 22 April 2020 by rahu movement  22 is the luckiest no in neumerology also it’s may be miraculous coincidence but ra
🎻Numerology behind the corona and cure🍁🍂
🎻Corona and astrology🍁🍂
Corona and astrology(dr.sonia chhabra) Rahu in this time in aardra    nakshtra , aardra is rudra that is the rudra avatar of shiva when shiva get poison in their neck and rahu in this time is in Gemini and Gemini is karka of hand  🙏🏻 So we all know it’s spreading via hand And when rahu moves in mrigsara nakshtra in mid of April (22april)impact of this virus automatically get minimise and India will least affected by this virus because India is not in influence of rahu only those country who is in impact of rahu or living a life style or rahu will get more worse on those country and district where there is hospitals ,cinema ,court, Now question is how we can get relief upto April , to minimise the rahu impact we have to work on ketu  Rahu is the karka of Hospital , court, police , luxury ,gambling , thief, wine , abroad settlement , all the electronic gadgets all the cinema world is rahu all the illusion is rahu which is not the reality show off is rahu .rahu is all hidd
THE NEW CORONA VIRUS When we going to play with nature it will reverse back after Australia now China because we are going to interfere with nature ,, may be we find the solution from corona but this So2 index will push us on another danger for life 🎻from d pages of my dream🍁🍂
These are mine    favourite picture Out of all I made  But when I made first one pic I never know I will find the answer for this picture . 1- when you lost yourself and you try to share it with some one or try to show it you only get the sympathy you only gather the tears and their is no value for the tears not yours not for any others By discuss your pain you only bother your surroundings and you only give pain to your dears because the pain we feel other will never even touch the pin point intensity which you have been feeling  2-only your soul know the answer of your any query they will give you freedom from your pain just inclined with your soul and try to find the answer for yourself no one can help you until you don’t look inside , just discover who you are ????and get free yourself from the negativity. 🎻 From d pages of my dream 🍁🍂