As I already mention 
Rahu move from aardra nakshtra to mrigsara on 22 April 2020
Aardra is the Rudra avatar of shiva when shiva get poison in their neck 
Mrigsara is sum is Amrit 
4 is the no of rahu and in China 4 is considered as an unlucky number it’s denote as death 
4+4=8 planet of karma that is Saturn 
22 April = 8
4+4 double the energy ( only use poison to kill the poison )I am not bias but only homeopathy act on this principle similia similibus curentur,
8 is the no of Saturn and Saturn is the karka of Indian medicine so only Indian medicine ayurved, homoeopathy,yoga,naturopathy and all Indian pathy will be useful.
22/04/2020=03 no of Jupiter as I already said in my blog ,to get relief from rahu we have to work on ketu and ketu only believe on Jupiter so only ketu Jupiter and Saturn will remove the impact of rahu .
We all get better after 22 April 2020 by rahu movement 
22 is the luckiest no in neumerology also it’s may be miraculous coincidence but rahu is all magic and it’s all known by astrologers ..

                  ๐ŸŽปfrom d pages of my dream๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚
                              dr.sonia chhabra


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