These are mine  favourite picture Out of all I made 
But when I made first one pic I never know I will find the answer for this picture .

1- when you lost yourself and you try to share it with some one or try to show it you only get the sympathy you only gather the tears and their is no value for the tears not yours not for any others

By discuss your pain you only bother your surroundings and you only give pain to your dears because the pain we feel other will never even touch the pin point intensity which you have been feeling 

2-only your soul know the answer of your any query they will give you freedom from your pain just inclined with your soul and try to find the answer for yourself no one can help you until you don’t look inside , just discover who you are ????and get free yourself from the negativity.

๐ŸŽปFrom d pages of my dream๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚


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